The Ted Lasso costume is a costume inspired by the character of the same name from the popular television show "Ted Lasso." Ted is a quirky and optimistic American football coach who is hired to manage a football team in England. The costume typically consists of a red AFC Richmond jersey, a pair of khaki shorts, and a whistle around the neck. The AFC Richmond jersey is the team jersey of the fictional football team in the show, AFC Richmond. It features the team crest on the chest and the team's red and white colors. The costume is a fun and recognizable way to show support for the beloved character and the show.
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Ted Lasso Costume Halloween Tracksuit AFC Richmond Jacket for Adult
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Ted Lasso Jacket Jamie Tartt Ted Lasso Halloween Costume for Adult
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Ted Lasso Track Jacket Ted Lasso Assistant Coach Halloween Costume
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Jamie Tartt Jersey Ted Lasso Cosplay T-shirt Halloween Costume
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Roy Kent Jersey AFC Richmond Soccer T-shirt for Women Man