Finding cosplay friends can be an enriching and enjoyable experience, allowing you to share your passion for cosplay, collaborate on projects, and attend conventions together. Whether you're new to cosplay or a seasoned veteran, there are several strategies you can use to connect with like-minded individuals. This guide will provide you with comprehensive tips on how to find cosplay friends, including leveraging online communities, attending conventions, and utilizing resources like

1. Join Online Cosplay Communities

Online communities are a fantastic way to meet other cosplayers. These platforms allow you to connect with people from around the world, share your cosplay projects, and seek advice. Here are some popular online communities to consider:
  • Reddit: Subreddits like r/cosplay and r/cosplayers are vibrant communities where cosplayers of all levels can post their work, ask for advice, and connect with others.
  • Discord: Servers like Cosplay Connect and Cosfun offer spaces for cosplayers to share their creations, collaborate, and participate in events.
  • Facebook: Groups like Cosplay Help and Advice and Cosplay For All provide forums for discussing cosplay techniques, sharing photos, and organizing meetups.
  • Cosplay: This platform is dedicated to celebrating the cosplay hobby, with forums for discussions, event announcements, and costume showcases.

2. Attend Conventions and Meetups

Conventions are one of the best places to meet fellow cosplayers in person. These events bring together thousands of fans, providing ample opportunities to make new friends. Here are some tips for making friends at conventions:
  • Wear a Popular Cosplay: Dressing as a well-known character can attract attention and make it easier for others to approach you.
  • Attend Group Photoshoots: Many conventions organize group photoshoots for specific fandoms. Participating in these events allows you to meet others who share your interests.
  • Volunteer: Volunteering at conventions can help you meet other volunteers and staff members who are passionate about cosplay.
  • Bring a Card Game: Card games like Cards Against Humanity can be a great icebreaker and provide a fun way to connect with others.
  • Compliment Others: Simply complimenting someone on their costume can start a conversation and lead to a new friendship.

3. Utilize Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for connecting with other cosplayers. Here are some ways to use social media effectively:
  • Instagram: Follow and engage with other cosplayers by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts. Use hashtags like #cosplay and #cosplayer to find relevant content.
  • Facebook: Join cosplay groups and participate in discussions. Many groups also organize local meetups and events.
  • TikTok: Share short videos of your cosplay process, participate in cosplay challenges, and engage with other creators.

4. Use Specialized Apps and Websites

There are several apps and websites designed specifically for finding cosplay friends:
  • Meetup: Join local cosplay groups to attend events and meetups in your area.
  • Boo: This app offers a niche dating and friend-finding service for cosplayers, allowing you to connect with others who share your interests.

5. Participate in Online Forums and Threads

Online forums and threads are great places to ask for advice, share your experiences, and connect with others:
  • Cosplay: Participate in threads discussing how to make friends at conventions and other cosplay-related topics.
  • Reddit: Engage in discussions on subreddits dedicated to cosplay, where you can ask questions and share your knowledge.

6. Leverage Resources from is an excellent resource for cosplayers, offering a wide range of costumes, wigs, and accessories. Here are some ways to use this platform to connect with others:
  • Community Engagement: has a supportive community where you can find tutorials, tips, and inspiration for your cosplay projects.
  • Custom Orders: Utilize their custom-made services to create unique costumes, which can be a great conversation starter at conventions and meetups.
  • Product Reviews: Read and write reviews on their products to engage with other customers and share your experiences.

7. Host or Attend Local Events

Organizing or attending local cosplay events can help you meet other cosplayers in your area:
  • Library or Community Center Events: Many libraries and community centers host anime clubs or cosplay events. These are great places to meet people with similar interests.
  • Local Conventions: Smaller, local conventions can be less overwhelming and provide a more intimate setting to make new friends.

8. Collaborate on Projects

Collaborating on cosplay projects can build strong bonds and lead to lasting friendships:
  • Group Cosplays: Organize group cosplays where each person dresses as a different character from the same series. This can be a fun way to work together and create a cohesive group.
  • Panels and Workshops: Host or attend panels and workshops on cosplay techniques. Sharing knowledge and learning together can foster a sense of community.

9. Be Open and Approachable

Making friends requires putting yourself out there and being open to new experiences:
  • Be Yourself: Authenticity is key. Be genuine in your interactions and show interest in others' work.
  • Overcome Shyness: If you're shy, try cosplaying a character with a bold personality to help you feel more confident.
  • Start Conversations: Simple icebreakers like asking for a photo or complimenting someone's costume can lead to meaningful connections.

10. Stay Engaged and Follow Up

Building lasting friendships requires ongoing effort:
  • Exchange Contact Information: After meeting someone at a convention or event, exchange social media handles or contact information to stay in touch.
  • Plan Future Meetups: Organize future meetups or cosplay projects to maintain and strengthen your new friendships.
  • Support Each Other: Offer support and encouragement to your cosplay friends, whether it's helping with a costume or cheering them on at a competition.


Finding cosplay friends can enhance your cosplay experience, providing you with a supportive community and opportunities for collaboration. By leveraging online communities, attending conventions, using social media, and engaging with resources like, you can connect with like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships. Remember to be open, genuine, and proactive in your efforts, and you'll find that the world of cosplay is full of potential friends waiting to meet you.

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